At many times in your graduate career, you will be asked to fill out a form. This page, and Susan White, can help you decipher which forms you need when. Annual Progress Report The Annual Progress Report is due annually by February 28th. You must fill this out regardless of year in program, anticipated graduation date, and source of funding. This report covers your progress during the previous calendar year, from January 1st - December 31st. The student should complete Part 1 and send it to their advisor. The advisor then completes Part 2 with input from the student’s committee, and returns the form to the student. Part 3 is an opportunity for the student to respond to this feedback. Email the final document and your CV to Susan White ( no later than February 28th. Click here for Annual Progress Report form This form is both a way to collect information about student achievements and activities as well as to serve as an evaluation/mentoring tool. If you are a first-year student, we understand you just joined a lab and the department, and so fill this form out to the best of your ability. It will only cover your time in grad school at UGA. This form is not directly attached to a committee meeting, but the student’s committee should be given the opportunity to contribute to Part 2. We strongly encourage a discussion between the student and his/her advisor/committee about what is written in Part 2. To encourage openness, this form will not be used when determining departmental awards. All Graduate School forms should be accessed from the Graduate School's website, Application for Graduation Submit no later than Friday of the second week of classes during the semester of the anticipated graduation date (or first week of classes for summer graduation). Forms for Doctoral Students ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR DOCTORAL CANDIDATESSubmit after you and your adviser have decided on your committee, and no later than fall semester of second year. PRELIMINARY DOCTORAL PROGRAM OF STUDYTake form to your first committee meeting, then submit to Graduate Assistant by fall semester of second year. FINAL DOCTORAL PROGRAM OF STUDYSubmit at the beginning of spring semester of second year. APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO CANDIDACY DOCTORAL DEGREESubmit after you pass both your written and oral qualifying exams. APPROVAL FORM FOR DOCTORAL DISSERTATION AND FINAL ORAL EXAMINATIONTake form to your final defense. The Graduate School must be notified at least two weeks before your defense; you must e-mail the Graduate Coordinator or Susan White with the title, time, and place of your final defense at least three weeks in advance. Submit by the Graduate School's deadline for the semester in which you complete requirements. Give copy to Graduate Assistant. ELECTRONIC THESIS & DISSERTATION (ETD) SUBMISSION APPROVALDiscuss with your major professor prior to submission. Submit by the Graduate School's deadline for the semester in which you complete requirements. Forms for Master's Students ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR MASTER'S STUDENTSSubmit by the end of the second semester of graduate study. PROGRAM OF STUDYSubmit by the end of the second semester of graduate study. APPROVAL FORM FOR MASTER'S THESIS AND FINAL ORAL EXAMINATIONTake form to your final oral exam. Submit by the Graduate School's deadline for the semester in which you complete requirements. Give copy to Graduate Assistant. ELECTRONIC THESIS & DISSERTATION (ETD) SUBMISSION APPROVALDiscuss with your major professor prior to submission. Submit by the Graduate School's deadline for the semester in which you complete requirements.